Hawk Alert: This is a test of the Hawk Alert system. There are no emergency actions associated to this test. This is only a test. More: emergency.uiowa.edu
For more information about evacuation procedures and how to respond to various types of emergencies that could affect the university, review the Emergency Response Guide.
All students and employees are encouraged to review and update their Hawk Alert settings using MyUI and Employee Self Service before the test. While email is required, text message is the fastest way to receive an alert. Please do your best to answer your phone and/or read the message during the test, which will allow university officials to better monitor the system's success.
If you need assistance updating your settings, see the FAQs on the emergency notification page, or contact the ITS Help Desk at 319-384-HELP (4357) or its-helpdesk@uiowa.edu.
Hawk Alerts are used to notify campus when there is an immediate threat (happening now) to the health and safety of the campus community. These alerts can be delivered via text message, phone call, email, and desktop notification based on the settings you select.
Hawk Alert updates are posted to the University of Iowa's emergency website, emergency.uiowa.edu. Please refer to this page during active Hawk Alerts or campus emergencies for the most updated information.